Exploring Evidences of New Technologies Evidences Compare Compare with Conventional Therapy for Upper Limb Rehabilitation After Stroke : Comprehensive Review

About this Review

This article information is extracted from review paper published by Everard et al. at European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine with impact factor of 4.28 under Quartile 1 (Q1). The primary aim of this comprehensive review is to compare the effectiveness of virtual reality [VR], robot-assisted therapy [RAT] and telerehabilitation [TR) in improving upper limb motor function and daily living activities post-stroke. By analyzing data from multiple randomized controlled trials, this review seeks to provide a clearer understanding of how these technologies can be integrated into standard rehabilitation practices to enhance patient outcomes with evidences based on 189 randomised control trials.

The study selection process followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines to ensure a rigorous and transparent review process. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the AMSTAR-2 tool, which evaluates the methodological quality of systematic reviews.


Network Meta-Analysis

A network meta-analysis was conducted to compare the effectiveness of the different technologies indirectly by estimating the relative effectiveness of each intervention compared to conventional therapy and each other. This method allows for the integration of direct and indirect evidence across multiple studies, providing a more comprehensive comparison of the interventions. Network diagrams were plotted to visualize the relationships and risk of bias between the different interventions. Each node in the diagram represents an intervention, and the thickness of the lines represents the number of randomised control trials comparing the interventions.



Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability worldwide, affecting millions of individuals each year. The aftermath of a stroke often includes significant upper limb motor impairments, which severely impact a patient's ability to perform daily activities and reduce their overall quality of life. Effective rehabilitation is essential for recovery, but traditional methods may not always provide the intensity or engagement needed for optimal outcomes. In recent years, the development of new rehabilitation technologies has offered promising alternatives to conventional therapy, aiming to enhance recovery through innovative approaches.


The Need for Effective Rehabilitation

With the rising incidence of stroke, the demand for effective neurorehabilitation strategies is increasing. Nearly half of stroke survivors experience persistent upper limb impairments despite undergoing conventional therapy. These impairments can hinder daily living activities, such as dressing, eating, and personal hygiene, leading to a diminished quality of life and increased dependence on caregivers. Therefore, there is a pressing need for rehabilitation methods that are not only effective but also engaging and accessible to a wide range of patients.


Emerging Technologies in Rehabilitation

Recent advancements in technology have introduced new modalities for stroke rehabilitation, including Virtual Reality (VR), Robot-Assisted Therapy (RAT), and Telerehabilitation (TR). These technologies offer innovative ways to deliver therapy, often making rehabilitation more engaging and accessible. By leveraging the unique capabilities of these technologies, therapists can provide more personalized and intensive rehabilitation programs, which are critical for the recovery of motor functions.


Virtual Reality (VR)

VR uses computer-generated simulations to create interactive, immersive environments where patients can engage in therapeutic exercises. These exercises often resemble games, making the rehabilitation process more enjoyable and motivating. VR systems can provide real-time feedback, adjust difficulty levels, and simulate real-world tasks, which are beneficial for enhancing motor learning and recovery.


Robot-Assisted Therapy (RAT)

RAT involves the use of robotic devices to assist patients in performing repetitive, goal-directed movements. These devices can provide precise and consistent assistance, enabling patients to engage in intensive therapy sessions without the constant presence of a therapist. RAT is particularly useful for patients with severe impairments, as the robotic devices can support and guide their movements, promoting motor relearning.


Telerehabilitation (TR)

TR leverages telecommunication technologies to deliver rehabilitation services remotely. This approach is especially beneficial for patients who face barriers to accessing in-person therapy, such as those living in remote areas or with mobility issues. TR allows for continuous therapy sessions at home, ensuring that patients receive consistent care and maintain their rehabilitation progress.


Effect of new technologies on motor function




Virtual Reality (VR) in Stroke Rehabilitation

Overview Virtual Reality (VR) employs computer-generated simulations to create interactive and immersive environments for users. These systems often incorporate serious games designed to engage patients in repetitive, task-specific exercises. The immersive nature of VR allows patients to interact with a virtual world that can simulate real-life activities and movements, making rehabilitation more engaging and enjoyable.

Technological Features VR systems can be either immersive or non-immersive:

  • Immersive VR: Uses headsets, motion sensors, and haptic feedback devices to create a fully engaging environment. Patients may wear VR helmets and use motion-detection devices, allowing them to interact with the virtual environment through movements. Immersive VR provides a more realistic experience, potentially leading to better motivation and adherence.
  • Non-Immersive VR: Involves screen-based interactions using motion controllers. While less immersive, non-immersive VR can still be highly effective and more accessible, especially for patients who may have difficulty using immersive setups.

Effectiveness VR has demonstrated significant improvements in upper limb motor function and activities of daily living when compared to conventional therapy. The interactive nature of VR promotes patient engagement and motivation, which are essential components for effective rehabilitation. Studies have shown that VR-based interventions can lead to better adherence to therapy protocols and more intensive practice, which are critical for recovery. For example, VR systems can provide immediate feedback on performance, allowing patients to adjust their movements in real-time. This feedback loop is crucial for motor learning and recovery.

Research Evidence Numerous studies have validated the effectiveness of VR in stroke rehabilitation. Meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have confirmed that VR interventions significantly improve measures of upper limb motor function, such as the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and the Box and Block Test. Additionally, VR has been found to enhance activities of daily living, measured by tools like the Barthel Index and the Functional Independence Measure. These improvements suggest that VR can help patients regain functional abilities essential for independence​​.

Phases of Stroke

  • Subacute Phase: VR is particularly effective during the subacute phase for patients with moderate impairments. Early intervention can capitalize on the brain's plasticity, and the repetitive, intensive nature of VR helps reinforce motor pathways and improve functional recovery.
  • Chronic Phase: VR remains beneficial in the chronic phase, with its effectiveness most pronounced in patients with mild impairments. It helps maintain and further improve motor function long after the initial stroke event​​.

Mechanisms of Action The primary mechanism by which VR aids recovery is through repetitive practice and feedback. The simulated environments and tasks in VR can mimic real-world activities, providing patients with opportunities to practice functional movements in a safe and controlled setting. The use of gamification elements, such as scoring and rewards, further motivates patients to engage in their therapy. Additionally, VR can create a sense of presence and immersion, making the rehabilitation experience more enjoyable and less monotonous.

Advantages Over Conventional Therapy VR offers several advantages over traditional rehabilitation methods:

  • Customization: VR allows for a high degree of customization, enabling therapists to tailor interventions to individual patient needs.
  • Remote Monitoring: VR facilitates remote monitoring and progress tracking, which can enhance the continuity and effectiveness of rehabilitation.
  • Engagement: The engaging nature of VR can reduce patient dropout rates and increase the overall duration and intensity of therapy. By providing a motivating and enjoyable experience, VR can help patients stay committed to their rehabilitation programs​​.

Integration with Conventional Therapy Integrating VR with conventional therapy can enhance patient outcomes by combining the strengths of both approaches. For example, VR can complement traditional exercises by providing additional practice opportunities in a virtual environment. This combination can help reinforce motor learning and recovery. Therapists can use VR to create individualized therapy plans that address specific impairments and goals, ensuring a comprehensive and effective rehabilitation approach​​.

Challenges and Considerations Despite its benefits, VR also presents certain challenges:

  • Cost and Accessibility: VR systems can be expensive, limiting their availability in some settings. Efforts are needed to make VR more accessible to a broader range of patients.
  • Training and Expertise: Effective use of VR requires specialized training for therapists, which can be a barrier to widespread adoption.
  • Patient Suitability: Not all patients may be suitable for VR, particularly those with severe cognitive impairments or other conditions that limit their ability to engage with the technology.

Future Directions The future of VR in stroke rehabilitation is promising, with several potential directions for further development and research:

  • Cost Reduction and Accessibility: Efforts should be directed towards making VR systems more affordable and accessible to a wider range of patients. This can be achieved through technological advancements, increased production, and potential subsidies or insurance coverage.
  • Technological Advancements: Continued innovation in VR technology, such as the development of more lightweight, comfortable, and user-friendly devices, can enhance the usability and effectiveness of VR in rehabilitation.
  • Personalized Rehabilitation Programs: Future research should focus on developing algorithms and machine learning models that can personalize VR rehabilitation programs based on individual patient data, including their progress and specific rehabilitation needs.
  • Integration with Other Technologies: Combining VR with other emerging technologies, such as robotic-assisted therapy and telehealth, could provide comprehensive and multifaceted rehabilitation programs that address a wider range of recovery needs.
  • Long-Term Efficacy Studies: More long-term studies are needed to understand the sustained effects of VR rehabilitation and its impact on long-term recovery and quality of life for stroke survivors.
  • Broader Application: Expanding the use of VR beyond upper limb rehabilitation to include other areas affected by stroke, such as cognitive function and lower limb rehabilitation, could provide more holistic treatment options for patients.

Conclusion Virtual Reality is a powerful tool for upper limb rehabilitation in stroke patients. Its ability to create immersive, engaging, and customizable therapy experiences makes it an effective addition to conventional rehabilitation methods. By promoting patient engagement, motivation, and adherence, VR can help stroke survivors achieve significant improvements in motor function and activities of daily living, ultimately enhancing their quality of life and independence. The ongoing advancements in VR technology and its integration with other rehabilitation modalities hold great promise for the future of stroke recovery​​.


    Robot-Assisted Therapy (RAT) in Stroke Rehabilitation

    Overview Robot-Assisted Therapy (RAT) employs robotic devices to aid in the rehabilitation of upper limb motor function post-stroke. These devices assist patients in performing repetitive, goal-directed movements essential for motor recovery. RAT systems range from simple end-effectors, which assist with specific movements, to complex exoskeletons that provide support and guidance for the entire limb. This technology allows for precise control and measurement of movements, enabling highly customized and intensive therapy sessions.

    Technological Features RAT systems vary in complexity and design, generally categorized into end-effector robots and exoskeleton robots:

    • End-Effector Robots: Focus on distal parts of the limb, such as the hand or wrist, guiding movements through a fixed point of contact. Examples include robotic gloves and hand orthoses.
    • Exoskeleton Robots: Encompass the entire limb or significant portions of it, providing support at multiple joints. They assist with both proximal and distal movements, making them suitable for comprehensive rehabilitation. Examples include arm and shoulder exoskeletons.

    These robots can provide both passive and active movement assistance, depending on the patient’s needs. Advanced RAT systems also offer biofeedback, adjusting the level of assistance based on the patient’s performance in real-time.

    Effectiveness RAT has shown superior results in improving motor function compared to conventional therapy, particularly during the subacute phase of stroke recovery. Studies have demonstrated that RAT can enhance upper limb motor function, as measured by tools such as the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and the Action Research Arm Test. Additionally, RAT has been associated with improvements in activities of daily living (ADLs), such as those measured by the Barthel Index and the Functional Independence Measure​​.

    Phases of Stroke

    • Subacute Phase: RAT is particularly effective during this phase when early intervention can take advantage of the brain’s plasticity. The repetitive and intensive nature of RAT helps reinforce motor pathways and improve functional recovery.
    • Chronic Phase: RAT remains beneficial in the chronic phase, with its effectiveness most pronounced in patients with mild impairments. It helps maintain and further improve motor function long after the initial stroke event.

    Mechanisms of Action The primary mechanism by which RAT aids recovery is through repetitive practice and motor relearning. The robotic devices assist with both passive and active movements, gradually increasing the patient’s ability to perform tasks independently. RAT systems often include biofeedback and adaptive support, which adjust the level of assistance based on the patient’s performance, providing a tailored rehabilitation experience. This adaptability ensures that patients are continuously challenged, promoting greater improvements in motor function.

    Research Evidence Numerous studies have validated the effectiveness of RAT in stroke rehabilitation. Meta-analyses have shown that patients undergoing RAT achieve better outcomes in upper limb motor function compared to those receiving conventional therapy alone. For instance, a study comparing RAT to traditional therapy found that patients using robotic devices showed greater improvements in the Fugl-Meyer Assessment scores, indicating enhanced motor recovery. Additionally, RAT has been associated with improved activities of daily living, as measured by the Barthel Index and the Functional Independence Measure​​.

    Advantages Over Conventional Therapy RAT offers several advantages over traditional rehabilitation methods:

    • Consistency and Precision: Robots provide consistent, repeatable movements, ensuring each therapy session is conducted with high precision.
    • Intensity and Repetition: RAT allows for a higher number of repetitions than manual therapy, crucial for motor relearning and recovery.
    • Customization: The level of assistance can be tailored to the patient’s needs, making it suitable for various stages of recovery and levels of impairment.
    • Objective Measurement: RAT systems accurately measure performance and progress, providing valuable data for therapists to adjust treatment plans.

    Integration with Conventional Therapy Integrating RAT with conventional therapy can enhance patient outcomes by combining the strengths of both approaches. While RAT provides the intensity and consistency needed for motor recovery, conventional therapy offers hands-on guidance and personalized adjustments from a therapist. This hybrid approach can ensure that patients receive a comprehensive rehabilitation program that addresses all aspects of their recovery.

    Challenges and Considerations Despite its benefits, RAT also presents certain challenges:

    • Cost and Accessibility: Robotic devices can be expensive, limiting their availability in some settings. Efforts are needed to make RAT more accessible to a broader range of patients.
    • Training and Expertise: Effective use of RAT requires specialized training for therapists, which can be a barrier to widespread adoption.
    • Patient Suitability: Not all patients may be suitable for RAT, particularly those with severe cognitive impairments or other conditions that limit their ability to engage with the technology.

    Future Directions Future research should focus on improving the accessibility and affordability of RAT technologies. Innovations that reduce costs and simplify the use of these devices will be crucial for widespread adoption. Additionally, research should explore the long-term benefits and cost-effectiveness of RAT, as well as its integration with other rehabilitation technologies to create comprehensive, multi-faceted therapy programs.


    Telerehabilitation (TR) in Stroke Rehabilitation

    Overview Telerehabilitation (TR) leverages telecommunication technologies to deliver rehabilitation services remotely. This method is particularly beneficial for patients who face barriers to accessing in-person therapy, such as geographic distance, mobility issues, or time constraints. By utilizing tools such as video conferencing, mobile apps, and online platforms, TR allows patients to engage in therapy sessions from the comfort of their own homes.

    Technological Features TR encompasses a wide range of technologies designed to facilitate remote rehabilitation:

    • Video Conferencing: Enables real-time interaction between patients and therapists, allowing for guided exercises, progress monitoring, and adjustments to therapy plans.
    • Mobile Apps: Provide structured rehabilitation programs that patients can follow independently, often including instructional videos, progress tracking, and reminders.
    • Wearable Devices: Monitor patients' movements and provide biofeedback to ensure exercises are performed correctly. Data from these devices can be shared with therapists for further analysis.
    • Online Platforms: Offer comprehensive rehabilitation programs that include educational resources, exercise routines, and community support forums.

    Effectiveness TR has been shown to be at least as effective as conventional therapy in improving upper limb motor function and activities of daily living in stroke patients. By providing continuous access to rehabilitation services, TR helps maintain the intensity and frequency of therapy sessions, which are critical for recovery. Studies have demonstrated that TR can lead to significant improvements in motor function, as measured by tools such as the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and the Action Research Arm Test​​.

    Phases of Stroke

    • Acute Phase: TR is less commonly used during the acute phase due to the need for close medical supervision. However, it can be employed as a supplementary tool to ensure continuity of care once the patient is stable enough for home-based therapy.
    • Subacute Phase: TR is highly effective during this phase, as it allows patients to continue their rehabilitation regimen without the need for frequent hospital visits. The ability to perform exercises at home can increase adherence and motivation.
    • Chronic Phase: In the chronic phase, TR helps sustain long-term rehabilitation efforts. It is particularly beneficial for patients with mild impairments, providing them with the tools and support needed to maintain and further improve their motor function.

    Mechanisms of Action The primary mechanism of TR's effectiveness lies in its ability to provide consistent, guided practice. Through regular virtual sessions, patients receive immediate feedback and support from their therapists. This interaction helps ensure exercises are performed correctly, reducing the risk of improper technique and maximizing therapeutic benefits. Additionally, TR platforms often include motivational elements, such as goal setting and progress tracking, which encourage patients to stay engaged with their rehabilitation programs.

    Research Evidence Numerous studies have validated the effectiveness of TR in stroke rehabilitation. Meta-analyses have shown that patients receiving TR achieve similar, if not better, outcomes in upper limb motor function compared to those undergoing conventional therapy. For instance, research has indicated that TR can improve performance on functional assessments, such as the Barthel Index and the Functional Independence Measure. Furthermore, TR has been found to enhance patient satisfaction and adherence to therapy​​.

    Advantages Over Conventional Therapy TR offers several advantages over traditional rehabilitation methods:

    • Accessibility: TR eliminates the need for travel, making rehabilitation accessible to patients in remote or underserved areas.
    • Flexibility: Patients can schedule sessions at their convenience, reducing the impact on their daily lives and increasing adherence.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: TR can reduce healthcare costs by minimizing the need for in-person visits and associated expenses.
    • Continuity of Care: TR ensures that patients receive consistent therapy, which is crucial for sustained recovery.

    Challenges and Considerations Despite its benefits, TR also presents certain challenges:

    • Technology Access and Literacy: Effective use of TR requires access to reliable technology and internet connections, as well as a certain level of digital literacy among patients and caregivers.
    • Therapist Training: Therapists need to be trained in delivering effective virtual rehabilitation and managing remote monitoring tools.
    • Patient Suitability: TR may not be suitable for all patients, particularly those with severe impairments or cognitive deficits that limit their ability to engage with technology.

    Integration with Conventional Therapy Integrating TR with conventional therapy can enhance patient outcomes by providing a hybrid model of care. For instance, patients can attend in-person sessions for initial assessments and complex interventions, while using TR for follow-up exercises and continuous monitoring. This approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive care tailored to their individual needs.

    Future Directions Future research should focus on improving the accessibility and usability of TR technologies. Innovations that simplify the use of these platforms and make them more affordable will be crucial for widespread adoption. Additionally, research should explore the long-term benefits and cost-effectiveness of TR, as well as its integration with other rehabilitation technologies to create holistic therapy programs.



    Comparative Effectiveness The network meta-analysis conducted in the study reveals that Virtual Reality (VR) and Robot-Assisted Therapy (RAT) are generally more effective than Telerehabilitation (TR) in improving motor functions during the chronic phase of stroke recovery. This finding suggests that VR and RAT provide more substantial benefits for patients who are in the later stages of rehabilitation, where maintaining and enhancing motor function becomes critical. VR and RAT's immersive and interactive environments likely contribute to their superior effectiveness, as they engage patients more deeply in the rehabilitation process.

    During the subacute phase, however, the analysis did not show significant differences in effectiveness among VR, RAT, and TR. This indicates that all three technologies can be equally beneficial in the early stages of stroke recovery, where the focus is on promoting neural plasticity and initial motor recovery. The lack of significant differences during this phase suggests that the choice of technology can be based on patient preference, accessibility, and specific rehabilitation goals.

    Intervention Design Integrating VR and RAT with conventional therapy has shown to be particularly beneficial. These technologies offer immersive, intensive, and gamified experiences that enhance patient engagement, motivation, and adherence to rehabilitation programs. VR provides an interactive environment where patients can perform virtual tasks that mimic real-life activities, making therapy sessions more enjoyable and motivating. The use of game-like elements, such as scores and rewards, further encourages patients to actively participate in their rehabilitation.

    RAT, on the other hand, utilizes robotic devices to assist with repetitive and goal-directed movements. The precise control and consistent assistance provided by these devices ensure that patients perform exercises correctly, enhancing the effectiveness of each session. The integration of biofeedback mechanisms in RAT systems allows for real-time adjustments based on patient performance, providing a tailored and responsive rehabilitation experience.

    Treatment Duration The meta-analysis highlighted the importance of treatment duration for achieving optimal rehabilitation outcomes. Specifically, it was observed that a minimum of 30 hours of TR and 15 hours of VR are required to achieve significant improvements in upper limb motor function. These findings underscore the need for sustained and intensive rehabilitation efforts to promote motor recovery and functional gains.

    For RAT, the results showed varied effectiveness based on the duration of the intervention. This variability suggests that the optimal duration for RAT may depend on individual patient needs and the specific goals of the rehabilitation program. Tailoring the duration and intensity of RAT interventions to each patient's progress and response to therapy can maximize the benefits of this technology.

    Adverse Effects Safety is a critical consideration in the adoption of new rehabilitation technologies. The studies reviewed in the meta-analysis reported minimal adverse effects associated with VR, RAT, and TR.

    • VR: Commonly reported issues included mild headaches and dizziness, which were generally transient and resolved quickly. The immersive nature of VR can sometimes cause motion sickness in sensitive individuals, but these effects were not significantly different from those experienced by control groups undergoing conventional therapy.

    • RAT: Demonstrated good acceptability and safety, with a low attrition rate. The precise and controlled nature of robotic devices helps prevent injuries and ensures safe movement patterns. However, some patients may experience muscle soreness or fatigue due to the repetitive nature of the exercises.

    • TR: Faced some challenges related to equipment setup, connectivity issues, and patient adherence. While TR allows for remote rehabilitation, technical difficulties can hinder the effectiveness of the therapy sessions. Ensuring reliable internet connections and user-friendly interfaces can mitigate these challenges. Additionally, patient adherence to TR protocols can be influenced by the level of support and encouragement provided by remote therapists.

    Conclusion The network meta-analysis provides valuable insights into the comparative effectiveness, intervention design, and treatment duration for VR, RAT, and TR in stroke rehabilitation. While VR and RAT are generally more effective than TR during the chronic phase, all three technologies offer significant benefits during the subacute phase. Integrating these technologies with conventional therapy can enhance patient engagement and outcomes. Ensuring adequate treatment duration and addressing potential adverse effects are crucial for optimizing rehabilitation programs and improving the quality of life for stroke survivors. The evidence from the study supports the continued exploration and integration of these innovative technologies into standard rehabilitation practices



    Everard G, Declerck L, Detrembleur C, Leonard S, Bower G, Dehem S, Lejeune T. New technologies promoting active upper limb rehabilitation after stroke: an overview and network meta-analysis. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2022 Aug;58(4):530-548. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.22.07404-4. Epub 2022 Jun 6. PMID: 35666491; PMCID: PMC9980549. 

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